February disappeared in a cloud of dust and March has been no less blurry! It has been fun, educational, stressful, and downright busy. So settle in and catch up with us and I might even remember how to post a few pictures! When we last checked in it was early February and all was well. Many snowstorms (but not enough snow pack) later we are still feeding bum lambs, driving kids to this and that while trying to hold the house together and meet the educational needs of three of the four aforementioned kids. Cody made the varsity soccer team as both a goalie and a field player, yeah Cody! However, while playing strongly towards the goal in their first preseason game he was clobbered by the goalie and has been out for three weeks. He has been in a monster brace for two weeks and is going to the orthopedic specialist tomorrow. He hopes to get back in time for the rest of the season, I hope he is healthy and that whatever has to be done is covered by insurance! So off to Park City we go...Moira will hold down the fort as always. Brenton and I did get to travel to Cedar City to see Cody receive his State Farmer degree at the state FFA convention. He and his partner won second place in the ag engineering catagory but were no happy as only first place qualifies for Nationals. It was a fun day. The very next day after a ten hour round trip to the convention we trucked Moira, Liam, and Hugh to SLC for the St. Patrick's Day parade. It was beyond miserable, it rained, the wind blew, and it snowed on us the last half block of the parade. But, my little darlings did their one two steps and leaps the whole way! Most of the others just walked as we were nearly the end of the parade. Moira's special Irish 'poodle' socks turned black from her shoes and her hands were numb! Oh well, live and learn. Speaking of St. Patrick's Day the dancers had eight performances over four days plus the parade. It was crazy hectic but fun and Moira really shined as a helper for the 'littles'. And of course we have been feeding lambs, walking dogs and sneaking in outdoor run time wherever possible. We have even tried to start pulling the outdoors together to put in pastures, pens, gardens, and one day (I can dream right?) a chicken coop. Anyway life is great but a bit overboard at times. We are finishing this month off with extra Irish dance with the big man from Oregon, hopefully a return to soccer or a definitive diagnosis on a knee, my quick trip to AZ to see my nearly 94 year old grandmother, and whatever else Brenton forgot to tell me was on the calendar. Oh and refereeing season has started.....