Yes, it has been some time since I put anything here but do not fear it is not due to lack of possible content! The top photo is one of my "baby's" senior pictures, when did my chubby little man become a good looking cowboy? Beyond pleased with what that boy is doing with his life, but he will always be a whippersnapper to me. Then we next have the baby on the other end of the line, Hugh man! He is deeply committed to his Lego engineering projects at the moment. He will get up in the night to 'check' his collection with a flashlight or he will use the light on his alarm clock! Still a whippersnapper and he still lets me get a good snuggle in now and then. The princess whippersnapper and her goat friends are next in the photo gallery. The two pigmys and Mighty Thor the Nigerian dwarf like to stand on the dear and they even fight over the good spots. Ah, Brenton sniff testing the gluten free breads Cody made for his Agriscience/FFA project...they were beyond grouse. I am so glad that the real makers of gluten free breads have developed better ideas than to just switch flours out. However he did win so the race for Nationals is on! My last whippersnapper is showing how bad the breads were in his picture as well. Liam is great! Well that covers everyone except my darling doggies, cantankerous cat, and the two bum lambs who are pretty sure we are trying to starve them to death since we cut back on their snack bottle (they are getting hat as well!). Life is good here on the wanna be a farm/ranch acre!
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