Sunday, January 31, 2010

And it is over......

What is it about January that makes it seem so long? One theory is all the smog and fog we had this year but I am not convinced. So many good things happen this month but it always seems like a struggle to get thru it. We had three or four inches of new snow this morning, just enough to make driving up the hill to church a spiritual experience. We are all set to launch into February....indoor soccer is wrapping up and tryouts for high school soccer are on the horizon, Brenton might go to Nevada to ref a tournament, there is some scout camping in the freezing cold because we are manly thing, our firs real Feis (Irish dance competition, Valentine's Day, the Super Bowl party Brenton has to have every year and hopefully one shopping trip to the big city! So not much happening here....some friends came for an impromptu Sunday dinner and we had fun, their cute little almost four year old daughter told her Dad not to worry about her picking up toys...the kids would do it for her! We laughed hard at that one. Brenton's sister is our new neighbor, about a half mile away so we made her sticky corn as a welcome to the neighborhood but Hugh was deeply disappointed when they were not there for the delivery of the treat. One of her boys cannot have gluten so it is a special recipe for gluten free caramel corn. Actually it is quite good and we probably ate half the batch! We will catch up with them tomorrow and use delivery for our family night activity, how is that for multi tasking? Hope that life is treating everybody as well as it treats us. Oh and Moira's Irish dance dress will be delivered this week she is a wee bit excited. Yeah for February!!!!!!

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