Wednesday, March 26, 2014

And I blinked...

So a little less than a year ago one of the stray cats had kittens on our front porch, the only one to survive a distemper epidemic was this little calico.  Whom Hugh totally tamed and named "Calico".  We had her 'fixed' and tried to make sure she has a warm place to sleep.

This is Calico today...she is all over the property, catches mice/voles like nobody' business, and is super affectionate.  The boys have begged to let her some in the house.

This is Calico playing field lion in the goat pasture, she has yet to figure out the goat kids.  They are her size but seem odd to her.  I cannot believe how fast the past year has gone. 

This is part of this year's batch of kids, There are 15 in all, three doelings have been sold already.  We are praying that all get sold by the end of May if at all possible.  That way the kids can focus on their lambs and summer projects.  I cannot believe we survived kidding season, it was a long ten days but it was a good learning experience for all of us. 

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