Sunday, October 21, 2012

Backtrack #1 Hugh's Baptism

Hugh with his 'special' towel for his baptism!

Treats for family and friends after the big event.

Ready to head out the door with Dad.

Lance (uncle), Dan (uncle), Carson (super special friend), Jr. (grandpa), Dad, Bishop Larry, Jared (uncle), Brance (uncle) and the baptism boy after his confirmation.

Love this boy!

Ahh...the cousins...Ruger, Liam (bro), Dalin, Hayden, Lincoln, Tanner, Porter and the boy himself.

The girls...Berkli, Kyli, Lydia Moira (sis), Allie, Eliza, Lucy, and Molly!!!

And finally our family minus the missionary!
Hugh turned 8 on the 17th of September and would normally have participated in the Stake baptism day on the first Saturday of October...however, that is the weekend of General Conference so no baptisms.  Which meant that the baptism day would be the 13 of October the same day of a half marathon that I signed up for a year ago before the Stake calendar was out.  But the Brigham City temple dedication was scheduled for the last weekend in September and our sweet Stake President did not want the new 8 year olds to miss out simply due to having to wait for a baptism date so he scheduled a special day the day before the temple dedication.  Fabulous right?  Wait the plot thickens.  Our two older (at home) childers were dancing in the temple celebration and after practicing for nearly two months found that if they left the "day of performance" practices that they would not be permitted to dance in the celebration.  There were actually a few other families affected by this and they all had to work it out.  By the time all was said and done Hugh was baptized on the Friday night before the Stake baptism so that Moira and Liam could keep their involvement in the celebration...of course this was all decided after we sent out invitations for Saturday and after several people had thought they could get around the ladies in charge of the dance for the celebration.  Silly men nobody intimidates a dance   So my little 8 year old got his own shining moment with many special people rearranging their schedules to be there for him.  I wish I had pictures of everyone who came but the following capture a bit of the joy I would say.  Ok so the pictures came first, that is on tomorrows agenda how to insert pictures where the stars I want them to be!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates! We sure miss you guys and wish we could have been there!
