Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference 2012

  The 'dads' dropped us off at the corner of the conference center and went in search of a parking space.  The children were all excited but my what a huge crowd!  Our small town kiddos were a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people.  But we got in line and made it into our seate about ten minutes before the session started.  However, the poor dads struggled to find parking and by the time they did and got in line they were not allowed in with their tickets and were directed to the standby line.  A sweet lady tried to get them in but another usher said they could not deviate from procedure which makes sense when you are dealing with thousands of people.  So they sat on the grass in Temple Square and listened to the conference.  Inspired talks and a wonderful spirit marked the afternoon.  So pleased with how the children handled themselves, especially Hugh since he is barely 8.  The Neal's were wonderful they even drove us all down and home, they are great friends/family.

We had a busy week even without conference but that will be wrapped up in tomorrows post because it is time for a quick game of Uno and scriptures before bed.  and I must email my missionary before bedtime as his pday starts late on our Sunday night.!!!

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