Sunday, October 21, 2012

Backtrack #2 BC Temple Celebration!

Getting ready to go to the last day of practice/celebration for the temple opening. At 6am!

Happy siblings.

Moira's preemptive Advil stirke.

"Really I love mornings!"

Fielding Stake was Spanish dancers complete with massive, twirly skirts and sombreros.

Our nieces Maddie and McKayla were Native Americans.

Liam's partner was tiny and they were so cute together!

Liam was serious about his dancing and that is our cousin Elyse in the pink.

Moira danced front row center and was amazing in every way!

Our nephew Dalin looks a bit angry here.

Our Bishop surprised Hugh with a ticket to the performance...he really was thrilled and tired!
The cultural celebration for the Brigham City Temple opening was weeks/months in the making and it turned out amazing.  I am so grateful that our kids ( and many nieces, nephews, and cousins) had the chance to participate and feel the Spirit in so many different circumstances.  Brenton spent countless hours ushering, directing cars and acting as security for the open house while the kids went to endless practices and dealt with adults who were getting quite stressed about nearly 4000 thousand teenagers pulling off a performance.  I even got in on the act and sewed a few costumes.  This was one of those experiences that you almost have to go thru firsthand in order to understand the scope of it.  One of the sweetest things that happened was being able to sit with Brenton's brother and his wife as well as some dear friends who are going thru such medical trials at this time, it was just special to experience this with them. Brenton and I were able to attend the dedication of the temple in person with our friends (Tiffany and Jared); now that is amazing in and of itself.  So many little things happened surrounding the opening of the temple and so many blessings will come because of its presence in our valley.   So enough updating for awhile, I need to go email my missionary because it is almost pday in France!

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